When did the US education system failure to educate became a dismal fight were losing with no foreseeable answer? WHAT's Happenin' will Disappoint any parent 

 As the country rolls into the 21st century, many unsuspecting challenges force us as a nation to reshape our thinking and ideology on how to raise & shape our Millenials or more affectionately GENERATION "Y". Gen Y (babies born between 1980-2K) youngsters has new challenges that their Grandparents & Generation "X" (unknown) Mommies & Daddies had never experience. After successfully prepareness for the "Y2K" scare, 9/11/2K1 thrust Americans N2 global terrorism on domestic soil. Not only our Nation's economy had a disturbing shake-up but so did our security which for the 1st time allow us 2 focus spending on protecting our Hard & Soft targets. We even committed unprecedented amounts of BILLIONS of dollars to fighting wars with Iraq & Afghanistan, not to mention N.S.A. Domestic Spying into Cyber-terrorism, but even creating a new government agency Homeland Security.

Well with all recommittment resources being spent, something had to suffer...Our children's education. Over the last 15 years, the US has fallen way of the map when it comes to keeping up wit other countries around the world...here's some SHOCKING numbers.  'The literacy rates among fourth grade students in America are disturbing. 66% of all U.S. fourth graders scored "below proficient" on the 2013 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) reading test, meaning that they are not reading at grade level. Even more alarming is the fact that among students from low-income backgrounds, 80% score below grade level in reading. Reading proficiency among middle school students isn't much better. On the 2013 NAEP reading test, about 22% of eighth graders scored below the "basic" level, and only 36% of eighth graders were at or above grade level. On a high school level, the stats get even more disturbing..In the growing global marketplace, students will need to excel in both math and science to compete internationally as engineers, scientists, physicians, and creative entrepreneurs. 'Yet, in a 2012 analysis of student performance on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the U.S. placed 27th out of 34 countries in math performance and 20th in science performance. 

 Of course, considering the OVERCROWDING of our Inner City schools (a 45-1 teacher-student ratio), overworked and underpaid teaching professionals. With that being said and Despite decades of effort, our test scores are not improving significantly. According to the 2012 Nation’s Report Card, average math and reading scores for 17-year-olds have remained relatively stagnant since the 1970s.' (studentsfirst.org)  
 College students well young ones to speak, didn't fair well either. 'The countries surveyed are the 34 members of the OECD —  which include many of the most economically advanced countries as well as emerging countries, including Turkey and Mexico — as well as nonmembers Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
Here are some of the findings, which look at data during the recent worldwide financial downturn:*The United States ranks 5th in the attainment of a college degree among 25-64 year-olds, but 12th when considering 25-34 year-oldsIn 2011, some 42% of American adults aged 25 to 64 had a higher education degree. Only Canada (51%), Israel (46%), Japan (45%) and the Russian Federation (54%) had higher  attainment levels among this age group. But 43% of 25-34 year-old Americans had attained a college education, which was above the OECD average of 39% but far behind Korea, with a 64% tertiary attainment rate among this age group.' (Washington Post)
If were going to have our most precious national resource "OUR CHILDREN' be competitive wit the rest of the world in employment opportunities, finding inventive ways or somehow investing so we decrease the class size & raise the pay of our overworked educators. Parents stay vigilant about your children.....For our future!! Peace


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