How to.make New Year's resolutions work?

Happy 2019 yaw!! Let's get into keepin resolutions thing.
Ppl tell themselves "I'm gonna change..When January 1st arrive??" people have great resolution ideas to achieve their goals, like automatic bank transfers for saving money and a new smartwatch to help with weight loss. However, statistics show that only 9.2 percent of people ever achieve their New Year's resolutions and break free from their bad habits.
Do I need to remind you about the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results? Now that I have hopefully touched a sensitive nerve, you are probably asking, "So why do most New Year's resolutions fail? If they don't work, then what does work?"
The reasons why most New Year's resolutions fail

Unfortunately, most of us create too much resistance by injecting too many resolutions and goals into our minds. We write down a long list of stuff like the following.
Double business revenues.

Get more online reviews.

Quit smoking.

Quit drinking.

Lose weight.

Spend more time with friends and family.

Read more books.

Eat more healthy food or stop eating junk food.

Learn to play an instrument.

Learn a new skill, like social media marketing.

Meet new people.

Travel more.
This process results in setting too many expectations and creating unrealistic goals. We end up with a long list of trying to do everything at once, relying on our emotions to keep us motivated until we achieve them.

So, what should you do instead of making New Year's resolutions?

Change just one of your habits that creates the most change.
I discovered that making just one small change in your daily repetitive routine is a crucial step to alleviate the resistance that comes with change. You gotta remember that real change takes time, effort & patience. According to the University College of London, it takes about 66 days to completely break an old habit, and it can take much longer to master something new.
While you are anchoring this unique pattern of action into your life, you are also uploading a new program in your subconscious. To stay motivated, it is important to celebrate even the smallest positive changes. Simply take it as a damn victory. Let the revolution..I mean the change begin, wait that's da same thing?? Lol


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