Confronting & Minimizing Online bullying.

Online Cyber-bullying has become a disturbing hot topic for teens & adults alike, although there's no 💯% way to 📵💻 there are ways to significantly decrease & eliminate the bullying. Here's a few: Encourage stronger password security. No parent wants a stranger or potential bully to have access to their child’s SM account or e-mail address and all of the contacts within. teaching your kids the importance of passwords, why they need to be protected, what can happen when they are stolen, and that passwords should be easy to remember, but hard to guess. like their nickn ame backwards, an hashtag & age reversed. or Pa$$ W0rD #411..yes, but effective If you or your child have android or iphone , in almost all phones there's a memo or notes function section, keep passwords t here . parents of burgeoning social networkers—such as 13-year-old teens who are newly eligible to sign up for Facebook—should always have their child’s password on...