2017 promises...2018 commitments

The Happiest of New Year to all! Now that the holiday celebrations are in the rear view mirror, its moving forward to all the hopes & promises of 2018 that left us unfilfilled from 2017. I gotta say walking into this year feels inspiring, as I left last year on a high note. I've been promising myself getting GBS (Gastric Bypass Surgery, specifically vertical sleeve gastrectomy where 75-80% of the stomach is removed) and on my cousin's 55th birthday (had to give him a Shoutout..smh FAMILY lol) September 22nd at HUP's Perelman Center in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I DID IT! Shamefully, I disgustingly allowed myself, at 4'7" tall, to balloned up to 297 lbs. After 90 minutes of surgery & 3 days of hospital recovery, I was home.

After the first two weeks of liquid diets (Protein powder shakes, broth, water & Chewable vitamins), I lost 14 lbs. I really love to thank my surgeon Dr. Dumon & all of the Penn Bariatric team for everything. It's since been 14.5 weeks since & dropped 42 lbs. My clothes are loose and pants, underware are falling off. I've manage to stay away my LIFELONG affair (more like marriage) to drinking beer. No snacks, sugary desserts & drinks, also No longer take Losartan (BP meds); Metaformin (pre diabetic meds) & have my C-PAP use reduced. My goal is to weight what I
weighed in Junior High (135 lbs) This is my 40-sumthin year on GOD's beautiful Earth & this is TRULY physically the best i've felt in 10 years. Let's pray: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven & give us our daily bread. Forgive us our tresspassers as we forgive those who tresspass against us. Lead us NOT into temptaion, but deliver us from evil." Whatever changes you have to make for this coming year, MAKE'em, stay committed & keep your faith. 


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