2017 promises...2018 commitments

The Happiest of New Year to all! Now that the holiday celebrations are in the rear view mirror, its moving forward to all the hopes & promises of 2018 that left us unfilfilled from 2017. I gotta say walking into this year feels inspiring, as I left last year on a high note. I've been promising myself getting GBS (Gastric Bypass Surgery, specifically vertical sleeve gastrectomy where 75-80% of the stomach is removed) and on my cousin's 55th birthday (had to give him a Shoutout..smh FAMILY lol) September 22nd at HUP's Perelman Center in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I DID IT! Shamefully, I disgustingly allowed myself, at 4'7" tall, to balloned up to 297 lbs. After 90 minutes of surgery & 3 days of hospital recovery, I was home. After the first two weeks of liquid diets (Protein powder shakes, broth, water & Chewable vitamins), I lost 14 lbs. I really love to thank my surgeon Dr. Dumon & all of the Penn Bariatric team for everything....