Domestic Spying:N.S.A. Surveillance and the need of it in a post-911 society of U.S. Citizens!

First thing FIRST, do I and 73% of American citizens FEEL safer that this kind of Surveillance is going on....(Stone Cold Steve Austin's voice) " HELL YEAH!!! Our domestic values & safety is @ high risk w/o this form of protection. LET's explore this from a Civil Rights point-of-view, I being of African-American descent who happens to been born with a disablilty have FULL understanding what Civil Rights Leaders fought for and sacrificed. One has to understand, During the 50's & 60's, Technology was NOT a priority that threating our very way of life 4 decades later. The CODEWORDS:CYBER-TERRIORISM didn't exist!! With all due possible respect to the A.C.L.U. in their arguement regarding the N.S.A. (National Security agency) reasons for domestic spying, 9/11 and other cyber attacks around the world could've been avoided IF the terriorists chatter could of been picked up and analyzed. Cyber-Terrorism exists when nations and critical infrastructu...